Welcome to InsureVideos

The easiest way to add high-quality insurance marketing videos to your website.

What We Do...

man_clipart00017What we do at InsureVideos is simple. We have created a highly-optimized library of animated insurance marketing videos that you can embed on your website and blog.

These videos:

  • Explain what different types of insurance are
  • Answer Frequently Asked Questions about common insurance topics
  • Help build better relationships between your clients and you.

Why do you need this?

  • Our videos will keep people on your site longer
  • Educate your customers
  • Get you more leads
  • And help you sell more insurance policies

We have a HUGE library of over 120 Videos to start, and we will be adding more videos EVERY WEEK.

With an InsureVideos Subscription you can add Any or All of those videos to your website in seconds by simply copying & pasting some text.

Already Interested?

Click Here to Subscribe to InsureVideos
& Up Your Online Marketing Game Today

The Problem with Insurance Websites:

People Have Short Attention Spans

man_clipart00020As you know, today’s internet users have shorter attention span than ever before. They click on a website, and if they don’t IMMEDIATELY see what they are looking for, or see something that catches their attention, they click away.

Believe it or not, Google penalizes your website for your users’ short attention span. When a user visits your website and then quickly clicks away, this increases your ‘Bounce Rate.’ The higher your bounce rate, the lower your rank in Google.

“Wait What??? I am being punished for some random Google user’s behavior?”

That’s right. Even if you anticipate their needs and have the answer to their question written out in plain english, there is a good chance the user will miss it as they quickly skim the page, get bored, and click the back button. In fact there’s a good chance most of the people who made it to this very page will never read this far. (Why do you think we have a video at the top of this page?)

But wait, there’s more...

man_clipart00001The hard truth is that as fascinating as you and I find it, insurance can be considered a pretty dry subject for most people who aren’t in the industry. Why do you think so many large insurance carriers employ cartoon geckos, dogs, ducks, generals, and all other manner of zany mascots just to try to get people’s attention?

“Ok, so if people won’t read… let me guess, you’re going to suggest videos right?”

What gave it away? Oh right, the word ‘Video’ is in our name

But seriously, there is a reason why video is so popular in marketing circles right now. InsureVideos is brought to you by Awesurance and we have been doing insurance marketing online for years. As internet speeds have become faster and people have become nearly as likely to search YouTube for answers as they are Google, we have noticed that with our web design clients, websites that have video tend to get higher conversion rates than those without.

All this piqued our interest and we started doing some research to see if this trend was happening across the board. As it turns out, there is a ton of good data supporting the video marketing trend.

Keep reading to see the research...

“Alright, so video is good for marketing,
I know I should be doing it,
but isn’t it expensive?”

Is video marketing expensive?

director2If you produce videos yourself, then Yes... But as you may have caught on by now, we just made a bunch of these videos that you can start using today. (Over 120 and counting to be precise.)

We get it, cost is a factor. So we shopped around and about the cheapest rate we could find advertised were these guys who will make you a single custom 30-second video for $99 with the next two tiers being $199 for a 1-minute video and $899 for a 3-minute video. They also advertise a 7-14 day turnaround time. (Although we were a bit creeped out by some of their characters as they seem to reside in the uncanny valley, where something looks somewhat like a human but not quite.)

So, for the sake of argument, let’s assume each video costs about $100 to produce. Let’s do the math on our library, which you would have complete access to on day one of your subscription…

camerawoman00001$100 x 120 videos = $12,000 in production value!!! (and counting)

Also, keep mind mind that we are committing to adding new videos every week for as long as we have active subscribers. So that $12,000 in production value is just to start.

So to put a finer point on it...

clapperboardguy1For less than the cost of producing one custom video per month, you have the use of 120+ videos, with new ones coming out every week.

Google and the other major search engines reward websites that update with quality content frequently. One strategy you could take is to embed one of our videos into a new blog post once a week, and you’ve got fresh content that keeps people engaged and helps you climb the search rankings.

“Wow, that’s a lot of value!
But I want to have some say
over the videos that get made.”

man_clipart00015Great point! That’s why we have a system for suggesting topics for new videos. We want our subscribers to have input on what types of insurance-related videos get made. This helps us make sure our videos are relevant to your needs.

We even have a voting system so you can view other subscriber’s suggestions and vote on the ones you like so they move to the front of the queue.

“What if I still want a custom video
that matches this style?”



We are still happy to do custom work under our sister brand, Awesurance.

Visit us at Awesurance.com for a free quote on just about any insurance / online marketing related project.

Be sure to let us know that you are an active InsureVideos Subscriber and we will give you a discounted rate for custom animated whiteboard-style videos.

“What about this other guy
who does something similar?
What sets InsureVideos apart?”

man_clipart00003As far as we know, we currently have exactly two direct competitors in the space and we invite you to check them out if you like!

As a matter of fact, we’ll link you to them right here so you can compare their videos to ours

The first thing you’ll notice is an over-reliance on generic stock photography and the “Ken Burns Effect” that comes with every copy of Apple’s iMovie. While there’s nothing wrong with this per se, most professional videographers will tell you that this technique tends to be overused.

Ken Burns, the documentarian himself, had the following to say about the ubiquitous use of his namesake effect:

“I don’t want to be pejorative about it, It does what it’s supposed to do. I have saved millions of bar mitzvahs and weddings and vacations. But it’s a very superficial version of a very honorable attempt on my part to will old photographs alive.”

- Ken Burns

The other common video style you might run into is the “Talking Head.” This is where a stationary camera focuses on a man or woman sitting and explaining a topic while looking directly into the camera. Again, there is nothing wrong with this, but we find it to be pretty boring to watch and the science seems to bear this out.

The bottom line is...

Animated Videos are MORE INTERESTING TO WATCH than Talking Heads, Slideshows! -- Plus, People Are More Likely to Retain The Information!

Animated whiteboard videos are used by businesses and educators all over the world to communicate information effectively and concisely. Psychologist Richard Wiseman of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) has found that whiteboard videos result in a 15% rise in memory recall when compared to other video formats such as talking heads.

You can see Wiseman’s discussion about his research in the following YouTube video, which should start you at 4 minutes 13 seconds into the video: 

If you are as curious as we are about video learning, the whole video is about 18.5 minutes and is pretty interesting!


Lastly, you might compare our services with our competitors in terms of just the number of videos being offered in our library. We are launching with more videos than either of our competitors and we will be adding new videos every week.

"Did you say new videos every week?"

That's right. What we are committed to, that neither one of our competitors currently offer at the time of this writing, is adding new videos every single week for as long as we have active subscribers.

man_clipart00011With this rate of growth in mind, our library will quickly eclipse both of our competitors put together in the first few months.

We believe we deliver more value for this specific service than anyone else on the planet. If you disagree, we would love to hear your feedback as to why. Click here to contact us!

If you’ve read this far, we’re impressed!
Thanks for taking the time
to learn about InsureVideos

We’ve tried to anticipate and answer any questions you might have above, but Contact Us if we’ve missed anything and we’d be happy to help.

If at any point, you’re ready to Subscribe, just...

Click Here to Become an InsureVideos Subscriber!

“I’m still not convinced. Show me the Research!”

Well we’ve been doing our homework and maybe numbers from some pretty smart social scientists will help! Keep scrolling to read about the benefits of having video as a part of your online marketing strategy, using video for communicating with your clients effectively, for making them feel connected with your company, and why Animated Videos specifically are better than other styles of marketing / educational videos.

Read On...

The Research

scientist1According to Riley Panko of Tubular Insights, an online marketing research journal, "If you simply include the word “video” in in the subject line of an email, it’s been shown to increase open rates by 13%. Furthermore, web visitors are 5x more likely to click on a post if it includes a video." They elaborate, "Visitors to a site are more likely to stay for an average of two minutes longer if it includes a video. Furthermore, those visitors are then 64% more likely to purchase a product."

Panko goes on to cite The Harvard Business Review conclusion that, “Video Content Helps Form an Emotional Connection. The Harvard Business Review conducted a study of emotionally satisfied consumers and discovered that, although the fully connected consumers constituted just 22% of the sample, they accounted for 37% of revenue.”

In other words, video helps form emotional connections with your customers and emotionally connected customers spend more money with you.

Source: 5 Data-driven Reasons to Embrace Online Video Marketing  

Video Educates More Effectively, Saves On Customer Support Time

scientist4Video is a great medium for educating your clients. Imagine if you could cut your customer support time down by providing video answers to your clients' most frequently asked questions in short, easy to understand videos?

According to the University of Queensland Australia, “video can be as good as an instructor in communicating facts or demonstrating procedures to assist in mastery learning”. They go on to say, “Furthermore, the interactive features of modern web-based media players can be used to promote ‘active viewing’ approaches with students.”

Source: University of Queensland Australia - Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation

And Remember: Animated Videos are WAY BETTER than Talking Heads, Slideshows!

Animated whiteboard videos are used by businesses and educators all over the world to communicate information effectively and concisely. Psychologist Richard Wiseman of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) has found that whiteboard videos result in a 15% rise in memory recall when compared to other video formats (such as talking heads). 



Well, if I have done my job in educating you about InsureVideos up to this point, I’d say it’s about time we asked for the sale...

Below is our pricing which is pretty simple. Pay monthly, or you can pay Yearly and get about two months for free. Click Subscribe to become an InsureVideos Subscriber. It’s that easy.


InsureVideos Monthly Subscription
per month

Full Access to a library of over 100 Marketing Videos!

Embedding is as easy as Copy & Paste

New Videos added Every Week!

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us Here

What are you waiting for?